Small Business of the Quarter
South Central Bank, founded in 1972 by James Kenneth Bale following the acquisition of Deposit Bank of Monroe County, has experienced significant growth. Today, we operate 30 offices across Kentucky and Tennessee, a testament to our success and commitment to serving our communities. We have seen incredible growth in our communities and sincerely desire to help our customers be part of that growth. We maintain genuine relationships with our customers – and it shows. South Central Bank has remained a leader in financial services for 50 years.
Large Business of the Quarter
Anderson Forest Products (AFP) was established in 1967. AFP currently employs over 200 people company-wide. AFP has manufacturing facilities in Tompkinsville, KY, and Nogales, MX. AFP manufactures Industrial Packaging. Our primary products are cable reels, crates, and specialty pallets. AFP provides products to the continental US, MX, and Canada. AFP serves many industries, including wire and cable, flexible gas lines, flexible conduit, hydraulic, air, and petroleum hoses, and rope and chain manufactures with our reels. AFP provides crating and specialty pallets to various Original Equipment Manufacturers. AFP is currently exploring opportunities in Brazil and Eastern Europe.